Monday, September 2, 2013

"A semester that you wouldn't believe"

In tenth grade I fell in love with Spanish. The language's structure, rules, grammatical quirks and especially the idioms. I promised myself I would not let a study abroad opportunity slip through the cracks in college.

After several months of planning (stressful, stressful planning) my three month, 10 day journey to Madrid with begin in a few quick days.

My fascination with social media has inspired me to write paragraphs, post photos/videos, and share stories and learning experiences right here for all of you to see. It's impossible for me retell everything I experience, even with a blog, but this is too unique an opportunity for me to pass up. My limited internet access coupled with the chance to unplug for a short while may not make this blog the most consistent, but hey, I am trying to learn in Spain too.

Feel free to comment and share this blog with friends, family, and future students. I want this unique experience to be something everyone can enjoy!

"Qué no veas" is an idiomatic expression meaning "that you wouldn't believe." It does not translate literally, but you knew that, it's an idiom.

This semester is a once in a lifetime opportunity. A semester qué no veas.

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